KFX Autoimport is totaly free of charge Kofax import connector for Kofax Capture/Tungsten Capture, the program is able to import documents from electronic sources such as email, file share and FTP.
Everything runs as services in the background. Very easy to install just one installer package.
Note: this is delivered "as-is" with no SLA.
- Many different separation methods
- Convertion of doc, xls, and ppt to PDF
- Retrive email (POP3, IMAP4, EWS, Graph)
- Import from FTP, SFTP, Fileshare
- Can recreate PDF if it´s secured or locked
- Fill Batch or Index fields from different macros
- Statistics
- Action notifications
- Batch naming
Note: The release includes prework of Ondrive/Sharepoint import, this is not working yet.
[13.6] (2025-01-21) Download
- Added a new separation method "1 Doc/Batch"
[13.5] (2024-10-22) Download
- BUGFIX: Seen/Unseen graph email was not working correctly
- BUGFIX: When corrupt file is attached to an email, was looping same mail.
- Set email to read before downloading documents, if error happens later
[13.4] (2024-07-03) Download
- Get 50 email/loop instead of default 10
- Fixed incorrect error logs
- BUGFIX: Error when switching between email profiles
- BUGFIX: Error saving EWS profile
- Able to resize big sized PDF to A4
[13.4] (2024-07-03) Download
- Get 50 email/loop instead of default 10
- Fixed incorrect error logs
- BUGFIX: Error when switching between email profiles
- BUGFIX: Error saving EWS profile
- Able to resize big sized PDF to A4
[13.3] (2024-04-09) Download
- Start sync direct after service restart
- Show email count from Inbox, when press 'Test Connection' in Graph email
- Added "open log path" on the log viewer meny
[13.2] (2023-10-28) Download
- Added default logpath in registry when installing
- Added function to leave email message status (Seen/unseen)
- BUGFIX: do not show new version if no internet access
- Added more space between date/time and message in logfiles (easier to read)
- Changed target .NET Framework to 4.8
- BUGFIX: all subfolders in Graph now show root/child e.g. Inbox/subfolder
- Updated reference MS Graph (5.32.0)
- Updated reference MsgReader (5.5.0)
[13.1] (2023-08-11) Download
- BUGFIX: No subfolder was showned when using shared mail
- BUGFIX: Removed logging of array text to logfile
- BUGFIX: Error getting PDF version on some PDF's
- BUGFIX: Error importing strange filename in Email-IMAP, changed to safefilename
- Change delimiter in email index file from "," to "|"
- In log Viewer, change the row to red if error occurs (easy to find errors)
- Updated reference MsgReader (5.2.4)
- Updated reference MS Graph (5.21.0)
- Added icons on the log viewer tabs
[13.0] (2023-06-03) Download
- Re-code for Graph 5.x
- Updated reference MS Graph (5.12.0)
- Updated reference MsgReader (5.2.2)
[12.5] (2023-01-22) Download
- BUGFIX: unseen/seen was not working when using email/Graph
- BUGFIX: email loop started even if previous loop was not done
- Updated reference MS Graph (4.46.0)
- Updated reference MsgReader (4.4.11)
- BUGFIX: Inbox subfolder in Graph was not added to dropdown
[12.4] (2022-11-07) Download
- BUGFIX: unseen/seen was not working when using email/Graph
- BUGFIX: email loop started even if previous loop was not done
- Updated reference MS Graph (4.46.0)
- Updated reference MsgReader (4.4.11)
- BUGFIX: Inbox subfolder in Graph was not added to dropdown
[12.3] (2022-09-20) Download
- Saving a new email profile then radiobutton "Delete" was always checked even if move was selected
- Updated reference MS Graph (4.39.0)
- Updated reference MS Graph Core Client (2.0.12)
- Updated MS Identity.Client to (4.46.2)
- Updated reference MsgReader (4.4.10)
- BUGFIX: When two or more Graph email profiles was added, then error getting email.
[12.2] (2022-07-05) Download
- Added a Log Viewer inside configuration menu for folder and email logs
- Updated reference MS Graph (4.34.0)
- Added reg search after kofax install path for installation wizard
- Added check so delete days cannot be empty.
[12.1] (2022-05-03) Download
- BUGFIX: moved file even if "move incorrect filetype to error folder" was unticked
- Updated iTextSharp (
- Updated reference MS Graph (4.25.0)
- Updated reference MS Graph Core Client (2.0.8)
- Updated MS Identity.Client to (4.43.1)
- Updated Mail.DLL (3.0.22105.1207)
- Added path in the log for empty folder
- Stringify all DB values in code for folder import
- Added notify icon if new version is available
- Updated reference MsgReader (4.4.4)
- BUGFIX: Max Documents i batch not working with separation "AI sep or patch code"
- BUGFIX: Disabled email profile with missing parameters generates error.
[12.0] (2022-02-16) Download
- Updated reference Microsoft Graph (4.18.0)
- Updated Microsoft.Identity.Client to (4.41.0)
- Updated reference Microsoft Graph Core Client (2.0.7)
- Updated Mail.DLL (3.0.21294.1630)
- Added Mail.dll from NuGet to project
- Updated Ghostscript (9.55)
- BUGFIX: maintenance restart was executing wrong file
- Updated reference MsgReader (4.3.2)
- New Mail.DLL (3.0.22035.1741)
- Added "new copy" button so you can copy a profile to a new profile.
- BUGFIX: index fields was not removed when deleting a batch profile
[11.9] (2021-07-07) Download
- When Graph was selected in email, email adress was not enabled.
- Updated reference Microsoft Graph (3.35.0)
- Updated Microsoft.Identity.Client to (4.33.0)
- Simplified some code
- BUGFIX: could not break password protected pdf (white page only)
[11.8] (2021-06-14) Download
- BUGFIX: strange .NET error when using IMAP (needed new mail.dll)
- BUGFIX: Error when you try to delete old email from backup folder
- New Mail.DLL (3.0.21134.1059)
- Added more logging for IMAP
- Updated reference Microsoft Graph (3.34.0)
- Updated Microsoft.Identity.Client to (4.32.1)
[11.7] (2021-06-08) Download
- Updated Ghostscript (9.54)
- Updated reference Microsoft Graph (3.33.0)
- Updated Microsoft.Identity.Client to (4.31.0)
- Changed target .NET Framework to 4.7.2
- Updated reference MsgReader (4.0.2)
- BUGFIX: If you have two separator sheets after each other in (1 Batch Sepsheet Separation loosePages), error when importing.
[11.6] (2021-04-10) Download
- Updated Ghostscript.NET to version 1.2.3
- BUGFIX: If you have a separator sheet as last page in (1 batch/SepSheet - Loose pages) then batch got stuck in scan process.
- Updated reference Microsoft Graph (3.29.0)
- Updated reference MsgReader (3.12.3)
- Updated Microsoft.Identity.Client to (4.29.0)
- Updated reference Microsoft Graph Core Client (1.25.1)
- Updated reference MsgReader (3.12.4)
- Possible to password protected the Access Database (Batch.mdb)
- Check for update in admin GUI opens 4x1 website (download/version history)
[11.5] (2021-03-02) Download
- BUGFIX: Check if log path include a "\" at the end of the path
- Updated WkHtmlToPdf (0.12.6)
- MSGReader (3.12.2)
- Microsoft Identity Client(4.27.0)
- Updated reference to Microsoft Graph (3.25.0)
- Updated reference to Microsoft Graph Core Client (1.24.0)
- BUGFIX: Loose pages in Autoimport with fixed pages in KC, (never closed the batch)
- Updated Ghostscript (9.53.3)
- BUGFIX: Check of secured PDF failed, missing reference to Bouncy Castle Crypto
- Added a reference to Bouncy Castle Crypto (
[11.4] (2020-12-09) Download
- Able to bypass kofax login to use without KC installation
- Updated Microsoft.Identity.Client to (4.23)
- Updated reference to Microsoft Graph (3.20.0)
- Updated reference to Microsoft Graph Core Client (1.21.1)
- Updated reference to MsgReader (3.9.4)
- Updated reference to OpenMcdf (
- Updated iTextSharp to version
- Check for new update added on the help menu
- Updated Ghostscript to (9.52)
- Possible to download all filetypes from email
- Changed "Download option for PDF" to only "Download option"
- Added default registry values in the install setup
- Added a new separator method, (1 batch/SepSheet - Loose pages)
[11.3] (2020-09-03) Download
- NOTE: new Access DB, new columns added in FTP section
- BUGFIX: Check if path is empty earlier in the code, moved subfolder check earlier
- BUGFIX: PDF that is secured will pass the full permission test, also check if PDF is encrypted
- Added reference to Microsoft Graph (3.12.0)
- Added reference to Microsoft Graph Core Client (1.21.1)
- Added reference to Microsoft.Identity.Client (4.17.1)
- Added reference to MsgReader (3.7.31)
- Updated WinSCP (5.17.6)
- Updated OpenMcdf (
- Changed target Framework from 4.5 to 4.6.1 for "Autoimport - email"
- Changed target Framework from 4.5 to 4.6.1 for "Autoimport - Folder"
- Changed target Framework from 4.5 to 4.6.1 for "Autoimport - Configuration"
- Possible to download from SFTP
[11.2.2] (2020-04-03)
- Changed "Create Batch Name" to "Generate Batch name" in logging
- Log how many pages in file
- BUGFIX: loose pages batches became deleted when closing the batch
[11.2] (2020-03-05)
- Able to save email as it looks with attachments
- Now you can include TIF and PDF in the merged PDF with email content.
- Added reference to MsgReader (3.7.13) for conversion of EML to HTML
- Added reference to OpenMcdf (
- Added WkHtmlToPdf (0.12.5) for conversion of HTML to PDF
- BUGFIX: fixed error if email subject is empty
[11.1] (2019-12-01)
- NOTE: new Access DB, new columns added (PUID)
- When saving a new folder profile you end up on the right row.
- Added a unique profile ID to batch profiles and index profiles
- Better logging around import between time function
- Check if path is empty earlier in the code
- Renamed Profilename in emailsync to emailProfileName
[11.0] (2019-11-09)
- Able to use "Shared Mail box" when using IMAP
- BUGFIX: Added miliseconds with the date when creating a batch, when KC imports to fast with same name then batch is not created
- Updated Ghostscript to version 9.50
- Added a link to GNU Affero General Public License file
- Added ability to change the delimiter character when Auotimport rename files
- Delete rows from Indextable when deleting batch profile.
[10.9.2] (2019-10-07)
- Delete old loggfiles did not work
[10.9] (2019-07-01)
- Set email seen when download is ok (EWS + IMAP)
- Rearranged some writetolog to log before the event.
- BUGFIX: TIFF with two FF now work when you have the option TIF
- Able to download TIF from email (attachments only is enabled)
- BUGFIX: recreate PDF if lower than x version was not working.
- Added a relogin to Kofax if first login failed after service start.
- Logg attachment count in IMAP
[10.8] (2019-04-16)
- BUGFIX: {File Owner} was not set in KC indexvalue
- BUGFIX: wrong column name for emaildeloldfiles
- Updated Ghostscript to version 9.27
- Able to create new batch for each subfolder
[10.7] (2019-02-21)
- NOTE: new Access DB, new columns added (email)
- Able to keep original filename, <fileowner>-AIRN-<GUID>#<OriginalFilename>
- Possible to delete old email from "move to folder"
- Added indexfield value {Original File Name with extension}
- Added indexfiled value {Original File Name without extension}
- Updated Ghostscript to version 9.26
- Added a default logpath if this field is empty.
- If PNG is selected then it´s converted to TIF before importing
[10.6] (2018-10-30)
- Updated iTextSharp to version 5.5.13
- Updated Ghostscript to version 9.25
- Able to set a custom log path.
- Change default "Max image files/batch" to 100
- Able to Recreate PDF that has old PDF versions (problem to import)
[10.5] (2018-02-04)
- Removed Batch Manager Checker, this will be in a standalone program.
- Possible to bypass SLL certificate in EWS.
- Log from which emailfolder or if its a shared mailbox.
[10.4] (2017-10-27)
- Updated Mail.DLL to version 3.0.17233.1428
- Updated iTextSharp to version 5.5.12
- Updated Ghostscript to version 9.22
- Renamed SepSheet in the meny to AI Separator Sheet.
- BUGFIX: Wait for files in folder fixed.
- BUGFIX: changed MailUID to myGUID() in EWS download
[10.3] (2017-04-16)
- NOTE: new Access DB, new columns added (email)
- Updated navtive Ghost DLL to version 9.21
- Updated Ghostscript.NET to version 1.2.1
- Updated iTextSharp to version 5.5.11
- Updated Mail.DLL to version 3.0.17093.812
- Added ability to fetch email from "Shared Mailbox" via EWS
- Now you can do deep traversal(subfolders) search for email folders
- Enable/disable combobox fixed when switch between Move/delete in email profile.
- Set email to unseed before move/delete.
- Set Unseen as default when adding new email profile
- Set workingfolder everytime configuration is loaded
- Display a popup if we cannot get remaining page count when opening configuration.
- Set email naming to default as standard first time.
- BUGFIX: Could not get indexvalues in configuration, always load the first formtype.
[10.2] (2016-12-21)
- Updated iTextSharp to version 5.5.10
- Changed all shortcuts and name to KFX Autoimport
- Updated Mail.DLL to version 3.0.16326.2353
- Changed target Framework from 4.0 to 4.5 for "Autoimport - email"
- Changed target Framework from 4.0 to 4.5 for "Autoimport - Config"
- Changed target Framework from 4.0 to 4.5 for "Autoimport - Folder"
- Add logging to section "move email to folder" under EWS
- Added check if email is not finished in loop, then do not start next loop.
- BUGFIX: Get filename in addindexvalue was calculated from old filename.
- BUGFIX: Added a function to remove unwanted characters från attachment files in email.
- Added {email index file - email address} to list of values in indexdata
- Added {email index file - email Subject} to list of values in indexdata
- Added {email index file - email Body} to list of values in indexdata
- Check if email have no attachments, then goto next email.
- Added ability to import between hours in email profile.
- Check if attachment in email is a correct attachmentfile.
[10.1] (2016-07-15)
- Removed log of decrypt in configuration GUI (created a separated logfile)
- Changed "fileAttachment.FileName" to fileAttachment.Name in EWS to only get the filename.
- Change One Batch / file "Loose Pages" to "None""
- Removed so that formtype not takes the first value after combobox changes.
- Added a new separation "Patch Code"
- When kofax creates documents based on "Patch Code", loop every doc to set Formtype at the end.
- Changed name to KFX Autoimport and for all services.
[10.0] (2016-04-26)
- Updated iTextSharp to version 5.5.8
- Removed Kofax.AscentCaptureModule.Interop.dll from Autoimport root folder (use GAC)
- BatchNaming = "{file owner}" is now only username and not domain\user
- Added {File Owner} as a value in IndexFields.
- Changed start posistion of orginal filename (Now dynamic startposition)
- Changed target Framework from 3.5 to 4 for "Autoimport - Config"
- Able to remove password from password protected PDF via a passwordlist
- Changed default rename file length to 70 characters
- Updated Exchange Webservice to version 15.00.0913.015 (API 2.2)
- Moved start of import timer after Kofax login.
- Check if the field "File Type" contains PDF in email profile config, then option must have a value.
- Disabled "Import Timer" until succefully logged in to Kofax.
- Check if you selected "Check PDF Color" then also check if you selected "PDF secured"
- Changed naming of files, now every file looks like <fileowner>_GUID.xxx
- BUGFIX: If secured PDF had color pages and AI tried to remove secure flag, color was not removed.
- Eventviewer message from Autoimport folder is corrected.
- Exit sub when error logging in to Kofax (service).
- When error importing file to Kofax and file is moved to errorfolder, then Goto NextFile.
- Changed target Framework from 3.5 to 4 for "Autoimport - Folder"
- Able to check if PDF has color on first page and convert to B/W.
- If From address is emty in IMAP then set OutgoingSMTPtoAddress = "NoName@address.com"
- BUGFIX: Delete old logfiles was referenced wrong.
- Updated Ghostscript.NET to version 1.2.0
- Upgraded navtive Ghost DLL to version 9.18
- Moved all DLLs to a common DLLs folder in the project
[8.7] (2016-01-29)
- If more than one file is attached in email import, then a list of file is sent in the reply email.
back with status if autoreply is enabled.
- BUGFIX: {Last folder in importpath} was not populated to index value
- BUGFIX: Check if files exists i folder before importing, failed when subfolder was checked.
- Moved Check of batchprofile is enabled before all other code.
- Able to set different Exchange versions for EWS.
[8.6] (2015-11-14)
- Able to check if PDF is secured, and remove all restrictions to be able to import.
- Fixed so that all logging is per day.
- Fixed TAB order in folder & email.other code
- Update of Mail.DLL to version 3.0.15064.922
- Added option to Move Secured PDF to error folder or break seurity.
- Check if folder have -AIRN- files before creating batch.
- Goto next file if error checking PDF for %EOF.
- Only allow numeric characters in email port.
- Set default "Delete mail" when add a new profile.
[8.5] (2015-02-28)
- Possible to import from subfolders.
- Changed installation so it does not save a restore point. (faster installation)
[8.4] (2015-01-07)
- Update of Mail.DLL to version 3.0.14266.1429
- Change all critical error message in logfile to start with ERROR:
- Moved DeleteOldFiles to a SharedSubClass
- Moved SendAutoReply to a SharedSubClass
- Added Return Nothing in Base64code
- Change email port DBvalue to nothing default
- NEW: EWS (Exchange Web Service) support
- Able to delete old logfiles after X days.
- Added m_oImportLogin.Logout after closing config & service
- Set "Move incorrect filetypes from Import folder to Error folder" default to yes.
- Enable logging by default and set delete logfiles to 20 days.
[8.3] (2014-11-09)
- NOTE: new Access DB, new table added (email)
- Able to merge email body with attachments. (put body first or last)
- Changed so installation folder not including version number.
- Moved statistics to a seperate Access DB.
- Don´t show popup mess if TIF & AI sepsheet is selected.
- "Download attachments to import folder" is now filled with data first time use.
- Add FirstTimeLoad check.
[8.2] (2014-07-11)
- NOTE: new Access DB, new table added.
- Able to print AI Separator Sheet from configuration GUI to IP printer.
- Added a new SepSheet menu with Open, print and open file location.
- Added Kofax values in Aboutbox. (KFX version,KFX type,VRS version)
- Now all replymail go as HTML.
- Updated the Mail.dll to version 3.0.14139.1153
- NEW: send error email, write event or run script if files goes to errorfolder.
- NEW: Do not reply list.
- Changed execution level of the MSI installer.
- Added a check for self-signed or you using incorrect host name to connect to mailserver.
- POP3 did not delete mail from server after download.
[8.1] (2014-04-16)
- Changed startup of Autoimport-Folder from Auto to manual.
- Update of Mail.DLL to version 3.0.13358.1021
- Mail.DLL is now licensed and fully functional.
- Set REG values First time loading the Autoimport.
- Removed hidden attribute on Batch.mdb
- Changed default value of (Rename files longer than) to 50
- Added "Save All" in the menu.
- Logging of all DB values when logging is enabled.
- Fixed DBNULL error in email (delete/move)
- Correct labels activated when checkbox is clicked.
- Fixed error when enable email Auto Reply.
- Autosize combobox "move mail to".
- New AI_Seperator Sheet with better quality.
- BUGFIX: ImportBetween was wrong in registry
- Added a Date Modified check for all files.
- BUGFIX: Move/Delete radiobutton in config is only showing "Delete".
- Changed log file to save a new file every day instead of every month.
- Added trace logging for email.dll and a new checkbox for that.
- BUGFIX: Populate iMAP folders "." became "/" Now fixed.
- BUGFIX: Error loading email profile if password is empty.
- BUGFIX: DBNull error when trying to get mail if "Move mail to" is empty.
- Check if Batchnaming is empty to prevent error creating batch.
- Changed requestedExecutionLevel to "requireAdministrator" for folderimport service.
- More logging when trying to start Folder service.
- Replace all spaces with "_" for all files.
[8.0] (2013-12-16)
- NOTE: new Access DB, new columns in emailtable.
- A total remake of the GUI.
- Change wrong message in the Eventviewer. (changed "Autoimport - Folder" to "Autoimport - email")
- BUGGIX: Changed default inboxfolder value in database to empty.
- Reference file added to the Autoimport rootfolder.
- Added more error logging.
- Check for OEF in the last two rows in PDF
- BUGFIX: move/delete a old corrupt PDF fixed.
- BUGFIX: Open email profile, Inbox is set by default.
- BUGFIX: Error when enabling email auto reply.
- New Index Batch value: Now you can use "Text Constant".
- Possible to sync iMAP email by: All, Unseen, Seen and Flagged.
- Changed to radiobuttons for Delete or move email.
- Moved Delete or move email from General Settings to the profile.
- BUGFIX: email file type saving zip (GUI is now correct).
- BUGFIX: DBNULL is fixed for "inbox folder" in email profiles.
- Changed loading path from batchprofiles to load_email_Profiles.
- Load Batchfields when you open batchfield meny.
[7.7] (2013-08-29)
- NOTE: new Access DB (new columns)
- Possible to download iMAP email from a subfolder instead of INBOX.
- Possible to create a txt indexfile for every downloaded email attachment to use later on.
- Default sorting to Ascending of profilename for both Folderimport and emailimport in configuration.
- New feature, create a backup file that includes the REG file and the Batch.mdb database in a ZIP file.
- New Separator Sheet, removed the numbers below the barcode.
- Autosize of combobox "Download attachments to import folder" under emailtab.
- BUGFIX: When saving a profil with separation "AI SepSheet & Fixed page 1" you got an error.
- Better cleanup when uninstalling.
[7.6] (2013-07-09)
- BUGFIX: Incase error moving files from importfolder move to AIworkingfolder\TMP
- Able to hold import of files in import folder until XXX number is reached.
- If files is hold to long, you can set a value when to force to import. Value by hours.
- NOTE: new MDB file, upgrade not possible.
- Added two more index fields {File Name without extension} & {File Name with extension}
[7.5] (2013-05-05)
- When trying to open the new AI seperator sheet and Acrobat reader is missing, then save as popups instead.
- Added RemainingPageCount to statusfield in Configuration.
- Changed to Loose pages that was missed.
- Lock comboboxes that has fixed values.
- Added ability to add values to BatchFields.
- Possible to decompress ZIP files in folders.
- Possible to download ZIP from email.
- New columns in Access DB.
- Four more indexvalues "BatchID_Dec, BatchID_Hex, DocumentID_Dec & DocumentID_Hex"
- Two more Batchvalues, BatchID_Dec & BatchID_Hex
- Regvalue for 64-bits and unzip was wrong.
- Added two more BatchValues, Padleft_BatchID_Dec & PadLeft_BatchID_hex
- Added four new indexvalues for both BatchID and DocumentID I have PadLeft with zeros (total 8 char)
- Possible to remote delete batches from batchmanager via a file in a folder.
- Possible to email the whole batchlist to the email address located in the file.
[7.4] (2013-02-26)
- Added a AI separator Sheet link under File menu to AI_SeparatorSheet.PDF
- New separation method, "AI SepSheet & Fixed page 1" explanation in the manual.
- Default value of renamefile length to 100.
- Default value to "5" for relogin.
- Default radiobutton "Delete Old Corrupt PDF"
- Added more logging under section "Loose pages"
[7.3] (2013-02-07)
- Updated the Mail.dll to version 3.0.12305.2153
- Change from "None" to "Loose pages" in separation field.
- Able to convert Word, Excel, PowerPoint to PDF.
- Added a check not to delete or rename Office docs in folder if conversion = ON
- Changed dynamic split so that you start counting position from 1, not 0.
- Able to use a comma-separated text file for index values.
- Fixed convert ready registry settings to start converting.
[7.2] (2012-12-01)
- Show a waiting cursor when loading formtypes and iMAP folders.
- Removed If SeparationComboBox = "None" Then FormTypeComboBox = Nothing
- Added possibility to set Index Values with different variables.
- Able to name batch with different variables.
- Able to save statistics to database.
- Moved Sync time to respectively tab.
- BUGFIX: Moved delete empty doc. before closing batch in 1 batch/file.
- BUGFIX: Fixed some TAB orders.
- Now possible to password protect Configuration page.
- Possible to sync between a time.
- Check if PDF is corrupt.
- Check for correct value in Batchnaming box.
- BUGFIX: saving REG file with space in folderpath works now.
- Able to name email files with different variables.
- Able to set length of renamed file (30-100)
- Added more logging
- Removed space in AutoImport.exe name.
- Changed service name (removed spaces)
- Replace all unwanted characters from email Filename with "_"
- Added a dynamic tooltip for filename slide bar.
[7.1] (2012-10-09)
- Change service name so it display right name in event log.
- Added a windows installer icon, shows in add/remove programs.
- Able to set a lower folder sync time, (down to 1 second)
- Updated the mail.dll to version 3.0.12226.1025
[7.0] (2012-09-06)
- Changed enabled checkboxes to icons in the listview.
- BUGFIX: reload batchlist to avoid error if trying to edit same row after save.
- Relogin set to 10 times as default.
- Update all event so it writes to the logfile if it´s enabled.
- Changed default install path to <programfilesdir>\Kofax\Autoimport
- BUGFIX: Added a try in section "delete old files"
- Possible to move incorrect filetypes from import folder to error folder.
- Check if Configuration is already open
- BUGFIX: Changed code in DeleteOldFiles.
- BUGFIX: Check if backup is set, before trying to delete old files.
- When unchecking enable backup files, do not clear registry entry. (remember last)
- Rename incorrect files types with an GUID, if same filename is already in errorfolder.
- Added a enable checkbox for every batch and email, soo that you can disable individual batches.
- Added more visible tables to the batchlist.
- New table in database file. (NOTE: cannot replace from old DB backup.)
- changed all file saving to yyyMMdd-<AIRN>-<GUID>_<org.filename>
- When saving email attachments then we add a prefix in front of filename. <minute+5char GUID>
- Clear our batch indicator for safety when changing batch.
- Bugfix: changed email save format to include a GUID. ex. yyMMdd-E-<GUID>_<org.filename>
- Added a YES/NO dialog before deleting batch row or email row.
- Added a name field for batch and email.
- Backupfiles and errorfiles are now saved under a subfolder with the profilename.
- Loop every subfolder to delete old files.
- New icon under services.
- A try function when trying to open the manual from the menu.
- Removed manual batch importing (end development)
- Renamed the program from "Auto Import - Folder & email" to just "Auto Import"
- Changed to take 30 characters from the left of file if length is too long.
- Possible to check more than one fileformat to import.
- Possible to download more fileformat from e-mail.
- Changes in the MDB file for fileformat.
- Ability to set minimum file size to import.
- Check if importing of files is not finished.
- First time opening config all fields are greyed out until click new.
- Updated the Mail.dll file. (changed to Limilabs)
- Load subfolders for iMAP when activating.
- Set "Use SSL" unchecked when adding new row.
- Able to normalize image DPI.
- Export/backup of registry settings is now possible.
- Changed all renaming to formatted date "yyyy-MM-dd HHmmss"
- Removed to long Batch description.
- Rename file length change to max 30.
- Added a feature to import files of max size in Kilobytes.
- Removed Batch description in 1 file/batch.
- Added a counter for how many import failure before restart of service.
- Updated Kofax.AscentCaptureModule.Interop.dll
- Updated the manual with new screenshot, and a screenshot how to setup "iMAP folder move"
- Bugfix: Check if checkbox is checked before checking if path ends with "\"
- Delete empty documents before closing batch.
- Write to Event log if service is Auto-restarted.
- Rename file length change from ">20" to ">50"
- If import of failure or unsupported file then move file to error folder.
- Added a "More Folder Settings" under folder import.
- Moved Max images / batch to "More Folder Settings"
- Moved "Logging to file" to "More Folder Settings"
- If you set "0" in day to keep backup then it´s not deleting anything.
- Check that all path ends with a "\"
- Bugfix: Possible to have PDF/TIF in email download and save unknown files.
- Bugfix: check if autoreply is checked then check if email includes a "@".
- Ability to move iMAP email to different folder after download.
- Possible to save unknown attachment to disk.
- Removed horizontal scrolling in batchfoldermenu.
- Added a SMTP connection test button.
- Check if folder is empty before trying to import.
- Check that filename is no longer than 20 characters in the renaming section.
- Removed unnecessary registry keys in installation pack.
- Fixed that all setting is enabled/checked when clicking in more email settings.
- Bugfix: Unknown file type folder only include unknown file type.
- Bugfix: some textboxes and checkboxes don’t save correctly.
- If delete after xx days is blank when saving, set "0" as default.
- saving email attachment in format "eMail_<counter>_attachmentsfilename.xxx"
- Saving eml file in format "yyyyMMdd_<uid>.eml"
- Added a counter on renaming files before folder import.
- Set small icons in service menu.
- If SyncTime is null then synctime is 60 sec.
- Check if FilePathComboBox has a "\" at the end.
- Now you can select PDF/TIF, to download both file types in email.
- Removed Enable/disable e-mail checkbox.
- Added a test connection button on the e-mail tab.
- Added a new button "More e-Mail settings" on e-mail tab.
here you have SMTP setting for sending mail.
- Ability to send autoreply mail back to sender.
- Choose between TXT or HTML in body text.
- Send back mail if correct attachment is downloaded.
- Send back mail if none or wrong attachment is found.
- Update MDB when deleting batch record.
- Cannot fill fields before clicking the add new button.
- Possible to leave Batch description blank.
- Check if email address includes a "@"
- Changed to bestlogin, let mail.dll choose (LoginAPOP, LoginPLAIN, LoginCRAM, LoginDIGEST)
- Updated manual with more eventID codes.
- Possible to separate "1 File/Batch" to fetch filename and Filetime of imported files.
- Now you can backup downloaded email to disk, and delete after x-days.
- Added a counter for every attachment, so we don´t save duplicate files.
- Greyed out all labels by default in backup and profiles.
- Fixed that priority value is default 5 when adding new batch.
- Added a status row at the button of configuration menu, to show service status.
- Ability to start and stop services from configuration menu.
- Changed from "Batch list" to "Folder import".
- Now it´s not possible to enable eMail import before a Folder import.
- Changed name to "Autoimport - Folder & eMail"
- New command line argument, run "Manual Import.exe /importonce" to import one time.
- Set default port when changing to/from SSL.
- Clear download filepath when leaving email tab.
- Ability to keep the mail on the server.
- Added function to set Batch description on every batch.
- Now possible to install in mixed environment 32-bit or 64-bit.
- When renaming files, check if file is already renamed.
- Added file logging to a logfile.
- Removed so you can have a blank user profile password.
- Changed maxlength for import folder path to 255.
- Added small icon in the config "made it more fancy".
- Clear formtype if batch class is changed and separation is "-None-".
- Made BackUp browse icon enable=false when backup is not enable.
- Changed all registry settings to LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node.
- Ability to set argument on manuel import to act as a auto import. (se manual)
- Changed requestedExecutionLevel level="requireAdministrator"
- Changed so it not logg events, if their is nothing to delete or process.
- Save data on the general tab also if only save in Batchlist.
- Added a foldericon on the browse buttons.
- Added possibility to set priority on every batch.
- Changed OleDbConnection and DataAdapter to "Nothing"
- When saving, check if Separation is "None" then blank the Formtype.
- Changed maxfiles in batch to "0" (No limit) as default.
- Updated the manual.
- Able to choose "None" as separation, and a formtype.
- Now possible to save 255 character in the folder path.
- Only allow numbers in sync time and backup days fields.
- The first formtype is always seleced, when formtype is loaded.
- Error popup incase Kofax is not installed.
- Now you can set a "0" in the max imagefile/batch = No max limit.
- Added a updated manual in PDF format.
- Made changes to the autoimport services (same as Manual import).
- removed unnessecary code.
- Added "Imports Microsoft.Win32" to find acrobat path in registry
just to be able to open manual.pdf with Adobe acrobat.
- Added Loose pages functionality.
- Show how many batches and files that have been imported in the manual import.
- When "None" is choosed, formtype is grayed out.
- Delete batch if its empty (loose pages or documents).
- When moving image to backup added seconds + Millisecond prefix to filename.
- Removed up and down button from batchlist tab.
- Now you can choose formtype "None".
- Now is formtypes loaded when you choose batch.
- Made backup fields, and profile fields, greyed out at first startup.
- Moved all registry values to LOCAL_MACHINE.
- Made the SyncTime value to a integer.
- SyncTime is set to 60sec as default.
- Added check of license when start-up.
- If license check is failed, no import is running.
- Added ability to set maximum image files per batch.
- Added a text to show that service need a restart after save.
- Made a service of "AutoImport - Folder"
- Ability to have a Manual Autoimport via a small program.
- Change synctime to milliseconds in registry.
- Always log error when start-up even if logging is off.
- Changed the timer to a system.timer.
- Changed from logfile to log all in the Eventviewer.
- Move On top setting from Configuration into Manual Import menu.
- Forced soo you can not set a lower synctime than 10sec.
- Added tooltips to some fields.
- Save working folder in registry.
- Change to WorkingFolder in service.
- Changed from 10 separated folders to a Access database.
- Changed import from rootfolder to 10 separated folders.
- Added code for closingbatch.
- A new folder import function, up to ten import path´s.
- Now you can mix TIF and PDF in different batches.
- Changed from Save to Apply and added a Exit button in config.
- Rename every file to processed.* before import of file.
- Rename every file to <Batch0x_><orginalfilename>.processed.*
in the backup folder.
- Added a browse folder button for path fields.
- Bugfix: Hide program when startup did not work.
- Added Info label when saving config, that reboot is needed.
- Bugfix: When renaming files it only renamed to .TIF
- Check if any fields in config are empty when saving.
- Wrong checkbox was displayed when loading config.
- Clear Sync Time textfield when disable Sync Time checkbox
- Bugfix: autosync don´t start.
- Added errorhandling to a ErrorFile.txt placed in the rootfolder.
- When saving config and userinfo is blank, there was an error.
- Ability to enable logfile in config.
- Set a few values as default in config menu.
- Made ability to set program on top of all.
- Change password field to mask the password.
- Change from .NET Framework 4.0 to 3.5
- Included a simple manual
- Added version history under help.
- Added that it delete Backup files older than value in config.
- Added a check if program already is started if you try start again.
- Added a sytemtray icon to double-click on, to get up the program again.
- Check if we should hide program or not when we start program.
- Added userprofil function if we use userprofils.
- Added About info. under help.
- Added Backup of imported files.
- Added delete of files after import.