KTM Script

Table of Content

Digit Grouping
   If Len(FieldText) = 0 Then

      ValidFormat = False

      ErrDescription = "Field must not be empty"




   FieldText = Replace(FieldText, " ", "") 'remove all spaces


        If Len(FieldText) = 4 Then

           FormattedText = Format(FieldText,"# ###") '1 000

        ElseIf  Len(FieldText) = 5 Then

            FormattedText = Format(FieldText,"## ###") '10 000

        ElseIf Len(FieldText) = 6 Then

           FormattedText = Format(FieldText,"### ###") '100 000

        ElseIf Len(FieldText) = 7 Then

         FormattedText = Format(FieldText,"# ### ###")'1 000 000

        ElseIf Len(FieldText) = 8 Then

         FormattedText = Format(FieldText,"## ### ###")'10 000 000

        ElseIf Len(FieldText) = 9 Then

         FormattedText = Format(FieldText,"### ### ###")'100 000 000


            FormattedText = FieldText

        End If

   End If

Disable Finereader fast mode

Private Sub Document_BeforeExtract(ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument)

   Dim pFRSettings As MPSFRLib.MpsPageRecogProfileFR


  ' replace "FineReader" in the next line with the name of the recognition profile

   Set pFRSettings = Project.RecogProfiles.ItemByName("FineReader")


   ' disable FineReader fast mode here

   ' this is not available at the ProjectBuilder UI

   pFRSettings.FastMode = False


End Sub

Get logged in user

     Dim pXRootFolder As CASCADELib.CscXFolder

     Set pXRootFolder = pXDoc.ParentFolder


     Dim sUser As String

     sUser = pXRootFolder.XValues("AC_BATCH_OPERATORUSERID")


' Använd nedanstående om Domännamnet ska bort

     If InStr(1,sUser,"\")>1 Then

        sUser = Right(sUser,Len(sUser)-InStr(1,sUser,"\"))

     End If

KC batchfield to KTM field

' För att få information om den inloggade användaren 

' Exempel: Kofax Batch Field "Löpnummer" och KTM Field "Löpnummer"

' se till att ha unika namn för batch fält resp. index fält
' Se även till att ha kryssat i "Populate all index fields for read-only access in script"


     Dim pXRootFolder As CASCADELib.CscXFolder

     Set pXRootFolder = pXDoc.ParentFolder


     pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("Löpnummer").Text = pXRootFolder.XValues("AC_FIELD_Löpnummer")

Copy documentindex fields data to KTM (loop)
Den loopar igenom alla indexfält från KC och om de innehåller data och det finns ett motsvarande fältnamn i KTM så hamnar det där.
Man får anropa koden från lämplig plats, t.ex. ValidationForm_DocumentLoaded

Public Sub CaptureFieldsToKTMFields(pXDoc As CscXDocument)

   Dim lCount As Long

   For lCount = 0 To pXDoc.Fields.Count - 1


      Dim Key As String

      Key = "AC_FIELD_" & pXDoc.Fields.ItemByIndex(lCount).Name


      If pXDoc.XValues.ItemExists(Key) Then

         pXDoc.Fields.ItemByIndex(lCount).Text = pXDoc.XValues.ItemByName(Key).Value

      End If


End Sub

Function to get KC index field


Public Function GetKCindexfield(FieldName As String, pXDoc As CscXDocument) 

      Dim Key As String

      Key = "AC_FIELD_" & FieldName 

      If pXDoc.XValues.ItemExists(Key) Then

         GetKCindexfield = pXDoc.XValues.ItemByName(Key).Value

      End If 

End Function 


’use in Document Before  Extract


Or just use below directly in Document_Before_Extract


Count pages in all documents

’Förutsätter här ett KTM Index Fält t.ex. "AntalSidor"

 pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("AntalSidor").Text = CStr(pXDoc.CDoc.Pages.Count)

Document count in batch    

     Dim pXRootFolder As CASCADELib.CscXFolder

     Set pXRootFolder = pXDoc.ParentFolder


' Variabel för antal dokument i en batch. Kan dock bli felaktigt om man raderar dokument i Validation Modulen.

' Förutsätter att Index Fält t.ex. "AntalDokument" finns.

     pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("AntalDokument").Text = CStr(pXRootFolder.GetTotalDocumentCount)

Make field or Group visible/hidden

ValidationForm.Fields.ItemByName("ZIPCode").Visible = False

ValidationForm.Groups.ItemByName("Group1").Collapse 'Collapse the group
ValidationForm.Groups.ItemByName("Group1").Visible = False 'Hide the complete Group with fields

Force a field to be valid

pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("LastName").ForcedValid = True

Save the Snippet of a Format Locator as a TIFF File

A Format Locator searches for a value on a Document. A Script Locator checks whether there is at least one value (alternative) found. If so, it creates an image in C:\Temp\. 



Private Sub SL_LocateAlternatives(ByRef pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument, ByRef pLocator As CASCADELib.CscXDocField)


   Dim image As CscImage

   Dim field As CscXDocFieldAlternative

   Dim image2 As New CscImage

   Dim matchPage As Long


   If pXDoc.Locators.ItemByName("FL").Alternatives.Count > 0 Then

      Set field = pXDoc.Locators.ItemByName("FL").Alternatives.ItemByIndex(0)

      matchPage = pXDoc.Locators.ItemByName("FL").Alternatives.ItemByIndex(0).PageIndex

      Set image = pXDoc.CDoc.Pages(matchPage).GetImage


      image2.CreateImage(CscImgColFormatBinary, field.Width, field.Height, _

                         image.XResolution, image.YResolution)

      image2.CopyRect(image, field.Left, field.Top, 0, 0, field.Width, field.Height)

      image2.Save("C:\Temp\Snipped1.tif", CscImgFileFormatTIFFFaxG4)

   End If


End Sub

Execute an External Program

'Executing without waiting for the command to finish:


Private Sub ExecuteCommandWithoutWaiting(Command As String, ShowWindow As Boolean)

   If ShowWindow Then

      Shell(Command, vbNormalFocus)


      Shell(Command, vbHide)

   End If

End Sub


'Executing with waiting for the command to finish:

Private Const WAIT_INFINITE = -1&

Private Const SYNCHRONIZE = &H100000


Private Declare Function OpenProcess Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, ByVal bInheritHandle As Long, ByVal dwProcessId As Long) As Long 

Private Declare Function WaitForSingleObject Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hHandle As Long, ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) As Long 

Private Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long 


Private Sub ExecuteCommandWithWaiting(Command As String, ShowWindow As Boolean)


   Dim hProcess As Long

   Dim TaskId As Long


   If ShowWindow Then

      TaskId = Shell(Command, vbNormalFocus)


      TaskId = Shell(Command, vbHide)

   End If


   hProcess = OpenProcess(SYNCHRONIZE, True, TaskId)

   Call WaitForSingleObject(hProcess, WAIT_INFINITE)

   CloseHandle hProcess

End Sub

Calculate a total for two amount fields

Dim l_TaxAmount, l_TaxAmount1, l_TaxAmount2 As Double


DefaultAmountFormatter.FormatField (pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("TaxAmount1"))

DefaultAmountFormatter.FormatField (pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("TaxAmount2"))


Let l_TaxAmount1 = CDbl(pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("TaxAmount1").Text)

Let l_TaxAmount2 = CDbl(pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("TaxAmount2").Text)

Let l_TaxAmount = l_TaxAmount1 + l_TaxAmount2

Let pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("TaxAmount").Text = Format(l_TaxAmount, "0.00")


DefaultAmountFormatter.FormatField (pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("TaxAmount"))

Database queries using native KTM script


The following code assumes a relational database has been defined in Project Settings named "TestDB" which points to a relational database table with columns NAME and ID:


'get database set in Project Settings

Dim db As CscDatabase

Set db = Project.Databases.ItemByName("TestDB")


'Create query

Dim query As CscSQLQuery

Set query = db.SQLTable.CreateQuery


'Set where clause

query.SetCustomWhere("ID=1") 'with string query.SetCustomWhere("Name = ‘Bill’")


'run query

Dim Result As CscSQLRecordset

Set Result=query.ExecuteQuery


'get rows

Dim rows As CscSQLRows

Set rows = Result.Rows


'if the query returns one result, display msgbox with the name

If rows.Count = 1 Then

   Dim row As CscSQLRow

   Set row = rows.ItemByIndex(0)

   MsgBox "Name column is" & row.CellByName("NAME").Value

End If

Regular expression in script

   If Len(pField.Text) > 0 Then

      Dim RegEx As New RegExp, Matches As MatchCollection


      RegEx.Pattern = "\d{3,4}[-]\d{4}"

      Set Matches = RegEx.Execute(pField.Text)


      If Matches.Count > 0 Then

         FormattedText = Matches.Item(0)

         ValidFormat = True


         pField.Text = ""

         pField.Confidence = 0

      End If

   End If

Dynamic Advanced Zone Locator

Skapa tre Locators i nedan ordning.
1. AnchorLocator
2. ScriptLocator
3. ZoneLocator

Skapa en Format Locator som du letar upp en bra Anchor Zone som är precis ovan eller bredvid ditt värde du vill ta ut.

Lägg in nedan script

Private Sub ScriptLocator_LocateAlternatives(pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument, pLocator As CASCADELib.CscXDocField)

                 Dim AnchorField As CscXDocField

                 Dim AnchorFieldAlternative As CscXDocFieldAlternative

                 Dim Rep As CscXDocRepresentation

                 Dim Zone As CscXDocZone

                 Dim i As Integer


                 ' get the first alternative from the anchor locator (Format Locator in this sample)

                 If Not pXDoc.Locators.Exists("AnchorLocator") Then Exit Sub

                 ' we are now manually "executing" the locator and store the results to a field

                 Set AnchorField = pXDoc.Locators.ItemByName("AnchorLocator")

                 If AnchorField.Alternatives.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub

' we are setting the anchor field alternative to be the fields (that we have created above) first alternative

                 Set AnchorFieldAlternative = AnchorField.Alternatives(0)


                 ' get representation to store zone position

                 If pXDoc.Representations.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub

                 Set Rep = pXDoc.Representations(0)


                 ' check if zone position already exists (if image extracted multiple times in the project builder)

                 For i = 0 To Rep.Zones.Count - 1

                 Set Zone = Rep.Zones(i)

' checking if the "MyNewZone" already exists - the zone from the advanced zone locator which is present inside the collectionCscXDocRepesenatation

                 If Zone.Name = "MyNewZone" Then


                Exit For

                  End If



                 ' create new zone position - edit everything that you would need to edit!

                 Set Zone = New CscXDocZone

                 Zone.Name = "MyNewZone"

                 Zone.Left = AnchorFieldAlternative.Left

                 ' let the zone start right below the barcode

                 Zone.Top = AnchorFieldAlternative.Top + AnchorFieldAlternative.Height

                 Zone.Width = AnchorFieldAlternative.Width

                 ' set the zone height to 40 pixels

                 Zone.Height = 40

                 Zone.PageNr = AnchorFieldAlternative.PageIndex

                 Rep.Zones.Append Zone

End Sub


Gå in i locatorn och skapa en ny zon med namnet “MyNewZone” och ställ in properties som du vill ha dessa, vi ändrar bara position och storlek på zonen.

Koppla sedan ditt indexfält till sub field "SF_MyNewZone"


'Skapa först en function som du sedan anropar


Public Function FillLeft(ByVal sToFill As String, ByVal lLen As Long, ByVal sFill As String) As String

    On Error GoTo PROC_ERR

    Const cProcName = "FillLeft"

    Dim sResult As String

    sResult = sToFill

    While Len(sResult) < lLen

        sResult = sFill & sResult


    FillLeft = sResult



    Exit Function


    Resume PROC_EXIT

End Function



'pad left with leading zeros to 4 digits

pField.Text = FillLeft(pField.Text, 4, "0")

Blank Out regions on image with lasso

Private Sub ValidationForm_AfterViewerLassoDrawn(ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument, ByVal PageIndex As Long, ByVal pField As CASCADELib.CscXDocField, ByVal TopPos As Long, ByVal LeftPos As Long, ByVal Width As Long, ByVal Height As Long, ByRef bCancel As Boolean)


Select Case pField.Name

         Case "InvoiceNumber"

         Dim oImage As CscImage

         Set oImage = pXDoc.CDoc.Pages(PageIndex).GetImage()

         oImage.EraseRect(LeftPos, TopPos, Width, Height)

         oImage.Save(oImage.FileName, CscImgFileFormatTIFFFaxG4)

         pXDoc.Reclassify pXDoc.ExtractionClass

   End Select

End Sub

Change positiv amount to negativ in a table

' Kod för att ändra positiva belopp till negativa i en tabell om det är en kreditfaktura. Notera att cellnumreringen kan variera beroende på tabellkonstruktionen

   Dim t As Integer

   If pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("InvoiceType").Text = "K" Then

      If pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("OrderRader").Table.Rows.Count > 0 Then


         For t=0 To pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("OrderRader").Table.Rows.Count-1

            If Left(pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("OrderRader").Table.Rows(t).Cells(3).Text,1) <> "-" Then

                pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("OrderRader").Table.Rows(t).Cells(3).Text = "-" + pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("OrderRader").Table.Rows(t).Cells(3).Text

            End If

            If pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("OrderRader").Table.Rows(t).Cells(2).Text = "1.00" Then

               pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("OrderRader").Table.Rows(t).Cells(2).Text = "1"

            End If


      End If

   End If

Change x.0 or x.00 to a complete amount

' Kod för att ändra x.0 eller x.00 till heltal. Om det är decimaler som inte är .00 (t.ex. 2.25) så påverkas dem ej

   For t=0 To pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("OrderRader").Table.Rows.Count-1

   If Right(pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("OrderRader").Table.Rows(t).Cells(2).Text,3) = ".00" Or Right(pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("OrderRader").Table.Rows(t).Cells(2).Text,2) = ".0" Then

      pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("OrderRader").Table.Rows(t).Cells(2).Text = "1"

   End If


Compare total with total in a table

' jämföra Totalbeloppet från tabellen med Totalbeloppet (minus moms) på fakturan. Om det skiljer sig ska Total bli "invalid"

Dim oTotal As Double

Dim iTotal As Double

Dim Dif As Double

Dim c As Integer

If pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("OrderRader").Table.Rows.Count > 0 Then

   For c=0 To pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("OrderRader").Table.Rows.Count-1

      oTotal = oTotal + Val(pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("OrderRader").Table.Rows(c).Cells(7).Text)

   Next c

iTotal = Val(pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("Total").Text) - Val(pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("TaxAmount").Text)

Dif = iTotal - oTotal

If Dif < -1 Or Dif > 1 Then

   pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("Total").ExtractionConfident = False

End If

Dif = Round(Dif)

pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("Differens").Text = CStr(Dif)

End If

Clear a table

' Kod i t.ex. Button clicked för att rensa en tabell helt.

      Case "Clear"


Create a message box with YES,NO

      'Varna ifall det är ett UC ORGnummer

      If pField.Text = "556137-5113" Then

        Dim answer As Integer

         answer = MsgBox("OBS vill du spara ändå?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton2, "OBS!!!")

         If answer = vbYes Then

            pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("VatID").Valid = True

            pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("VatID").ExtractionConfident = True


            pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("VatID").Valid = False

            pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("VatID").ExtractionConfident = False

         End If

     End If

Sticky Values with Script variables

Private Sub ValidationForm_DocumentLoaded(ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument)

   If Project.ScriptVariables.ItemByName("StickyAvtalsNr").Value <> "" Then

      pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("AvtalsNr").Text = Project.ScriptVariables.ItemByName("StickyAvtalsNr").Value

   End If



Private Sub Document_Validated(ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument)

   Project.ScriptVariables.ItemByName("StickyAvtalsNr").Value = pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("AvtalsNr").Text

End Sub

Use batch Open/Close event in KTM

Private Sub Batch_Close(ByVal pXRootFolder As CASCADELib.CscXFolder, ByVal CloseMode As CASCADELib.CscBatchCloseMode)


End Sub


Private Sub SetDokTypVar(ByVal pXRootFolder As CASCADELib.CscXFolder, ByVal CloseMode As CASCADELib.CscBatchCloseMode)


   'If we are in KTM Validation and have a closed batch

   If Project.ScriptExecutionMode = CscScriptModeValidation And CloseMode = CscBatchCloseFinal Then

      Project.ScriptVariables.ItemByName("DokTypVar").Value = "Avtal"

      Project.ScriptVariables.ItemByName("StickyAvtalsNr").Value = ""

   End If

Project.ValidateAfterBatchRestructuring = False    'måste vara med för att inte hamna tillbaka i validering

End Sub


Batch open event

Private Sub Batch_Open(ByVal pXRootFolder As CASCADELib.CscXFolder)
SetMyValue (pXRootFolder)
End Sub


Private Sub SetMyValue(ByVal pXRootFolder As CASCADELib.CscXFolder)

   Project.ScriptVariables.ItemByName("DokTypVar").Value = "MyValue"

End Sub

Prevent error in KTM with 96 DPI or lower

Private Sub Document_BeforeClassifyImage(ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument, ByVal PageNr As Long,ByRef bSkip As Boolean)


   Dim oImage As CscImage

   Set oImage = pXDoc.CDoc.Pages.ItemByIndex(PageNr).GetImage()


   'The check if the resolution of this image is too low for the image classifier to process it.

   If oImage.XResolution < 96 Or oImage.YResolution < 96 Then

      'Set bSkip to true to prevent the layout classifier from causing an error.

      bSkip = True


      'If content or instruction classification is enabled

      ' they will still run after this and may classify the document.

      'In a project with only layout classification

      ' it will go to the default class or be unclassified.

   End If

End Sub

Modulus 10 function

Funktion för att kontrollera Svenskt ORG nummer (VAT) eller personnummer
Om man ska kolla personnummer får man inte ta med århundradet. (Scripta det i funktionen.)

 Call Mod10 pXDoc,pField


Private Function Mod10(ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument, ByVal pField As CASCADELib.CscXDocField)

   On Error GoTo ScriptError

' Function to check if a swedish VAT ID is correct. (Same algorithm as for personnummer.)

   Dim i As Integer

   Dim TotalOdd As Integer

   Dim TotalEven As Integer

   Dim Total As Integer

   Dim TotaloddString As String

   Dim TotalEvenString As String

   Dim TotalString As String

   Dim Value As String


' Uncomment the below 3 lines if Mod10 has to be checked and never overridden

   If pField.ForcedValid = True Then

      Exit Function

   End If


   Value = Trim(pField.Text)


   Value=Replace(Value," ","")


   If IsNumeric(Value) Then

      Total = 0

   'get odd numbers starting with the second to last digit (ignoring the check digit)

      For i = Len(Value)-1 To 1 Step -2

         TotalOdd = CInt(Mid(Value, i, 1) * 2)

         TotaloddString = TotaloddString & CStr(TotalOdd)

      Next i


      i = 0

      TotalOdd = 0


      For i = 1 To Len(TotaloddString)

         TotalOdd = TotalOdd + CInt(Mid(TotaloddString, i, 1))

      Next i


   'get even numbers starting with the third to last digit (ignoring the check digit)

      i = 0


      For i = Len(Value)-2 To 1 Step -2

         TotalEvenString = TotalEvenString & (Mid(Value, i, 1))

      Next i


      For i = 1 To Len(TotalEvenString)

         TotalEven = TotalEven + CInt(Mid(TotalEvenString, i, 1))

      Next i


      Total = TotalOdd + TotalEven

      TotalString =CStr(Total)





      If Right(Value, 1) = Right(CStr(Total),1) Then






         pField.ErrorDescription="Felaktigt nummer. Checksiffran stämmer ej"

      End If


      pField.ExtractionConfident = False

      pField.ErrorDescription = "Kontrollera siffrorna"

   End If



   Exit Function



   pField.ExtractionConfident = False

   pField.ErrorDescription = "Scriptfel! Ta kopia på fakturan och rapportera till Canon. Kontrollera data noggrant i detta fält."

   Resume ScriptExit


End Function

SQL Connection via Microsoft ADO


First you need to add a reference to MS-ADO to the script for every class the database is being used with: 

Add "Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 6.1 Library (6.1)" 


Different connection strings:

Direct to SQL: "Provider=xxxxx;Server=WIN7\SQLEXPRESS;Database=CSVSQL;Uid=kofax;Pwd=kofaxpass;"
Via ODBC: "DSN=myODBCname" (need to have an ODBC set up first with that name)


Different providers:
Provider=SQLNCLI11 (old driver)
Provider=MSOLEDBSQL (SQL2012 - SQL 2019) (must have new C++ runtimes x86 + x64), (link to OLE DB driver)


Dim m_DatabaseConnection As ADODB.Connection

Const m_ConnectionString1 As String = "Provider=SQLNCLI11;Server=WIN7\SQLEXPRESS;Database=CSVSQL;Uid=kofax;Pwd=kofaxpass;"



Public Function GetDatabaseConnection() As ADODB.Connection


   If Not m_DatabaseConnection Is Nothing Then

      Set GetDatabaseConnection = m_DatabaseConnection

      Exit Function

   End If


   On Error GoTo ConnectionFailed


   Set m_DatabaseConnection = New ADODB.Connection

   m_DatabaseConnection.ConnectionString = m_ConnectionString1


   Set GetDatabaseConnection = m_DatabaseConnection

   Exit Function



   Set m_DatabaseConnection = Nothing

   Set GetDatabaseConnection = Nothing

End Function



 Private Sub Document_AfterExtract(pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument) 

On Error GoTo ConnectionFailed  


Dim DatabaseConnection As ADODB.Connection

   Dim SQL As String

   Dim Cmd As ADODB.Command

   Dim Param As ADODB.Parameter

   Dim Recordset As ADODB.Recordset


   Set DatabaseConnection = GetDatabaseConnection

   If DatabaseConnection Is Nothing Then

      ' error

      Exit Sub

   End If


   ' **********retrieve data **********************

   SQL = "SELECT top 1 AccountOwner FROM CSVSQL.dbo.CSVTest where SFDCNumber = '" & pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("Total").Text & "'"

    Set Recordset = DatabaseConnection.Execute(SQL)




   Set DatabaseConnection = Nothing


End Sub

Read Registry to KTM field


First add a reference to:
Windows Script Host Object Model(1.0)


Dim objShell, strTemp

Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

strTemp = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Kofax Image Products\Ascent Capture\3.0\AppTitle"

pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("Software").Text = objShell.RegRead(strTemp)

Change label text depending on the batch class name


Private Sub ValidationForm_DocumentLoaded(ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument)


   Dim pXRootFolder As CASCADELib.CscXFolder

   Set pXRootFolder = pXDoc.ParentFolder

   If InStr(pXRootFolder.XValues("AC_BATCH_CLASS_NAME"), "Efter") <> 0 Then

      ValidationForm.Labels.ItemByName("Label0").Text = "LF Södermanland Efterhand"

   End If

Loop trough every document in batch open

Add script on the project level
In this script we add a counter to every document in a field

Private Sub Batch_Open(ByVal pXRootFolder As CASCADELib.CscXFolder)

   SetCustomDocCounter(pXRootFolder) 'Call loop function

End Sub


Private Sub SetCustomDocCounter(ByVal pXRootFolder As CASCADELib.CscXFolder)


   Dim i As Long

   Dim pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument


   'Check if we are in KTM Validation

   If Project.ScriptExecutionMode = CscScriptModeValidation Then


      'Loop through documents

      For i = 0 To pXRootFolder.DocInfos.Count-1

         ' Get Doc and start collect data

         Set pXDoc = pXRootFolder.DocInfos.ItemByIndex(i).XDocument

         pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("BatchClassify").Text = CStr(i)


   End If

End Sub

Classify with locators

Med denna teknik så kan du styra vart på dokumentet du vill söka efter ord/fraser

I denna använder jag fyra olika locators, en för att hitta ett nummer, en för att hitta nummer som är 90grader vridet och den sista för att hitta olika ord

Börja med att lägga till en reference för att kunna använda Regular Expression i script

Skapa sedan en nyckelordlista

Lägg till en scriptvariabel med namnet ClassifyValue

Skapa sedan fyra locators enligt nedan

  1. Skapa en Format Locator med namnet ClassifyNo med dina inställningar för att hitta ett specifikt ord/nummer med regex och i region
  2. Skapa en Advanced Format locator ClassifyNo90, detta för att kunna läsa text som är 90 grader. Lägg endast till en zone och registration = none och inget mer.
  3. Skapa en Format Locator med namnet ClassifyWord, denna kopplar du endast till din nyckelordslista.
  4. Skapa en Script Locator med namnet ClassifySL


Klistra in nedan script under projektnivån, i detta kan du ändra regular expression och vilken default class den ska hamna i vid error

Private Sub ClassifySL_LocateAlternatives(ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument, ByVal pLocator As CASCADELib.CscXDocField)


   Project.ScriptVariables.ItemByName("ClassifyValue").Value = "" 'clear value

   Dim DocTypeNo As String


   'Check first DocNo

   If pXDoc.Locators.ItemByName("ClassifyNo90").Alternatives.Count > 0 Then

      DocTypeNo = GetDocType(pXDoc.Locators.ItemByName("ClassifyNo90").Alternatives.ItemByIndex(0).SubFields(0).Text)

      If DocTypeNo <> "" Then

         Project.ScriptVariables.ItemByName("ClassifyValue").Value = DocTypeNo

      End If

   End If



   'Check second DocNo

   If pXDoc.Locators.ItemByName("ClassifyNo").Alternatives.Count > 0 And DocTypeNo = "" Then

      DocTypeNo = GetDocType(pXDoc.Locators.ItemByName("ClassifyNo").Alternatives(0).Text)

      If DocTypeNo <> "" Then

         Project.ScriptVariables.ItemByName("ClassifyValue").Value = DocTypeNo

      End If

   End If




   'Word check here

   If pXDoc.Locators.ItemByName("ClassifyWord").Alternatives.Count > 0 And DocTypeNo = "" Then

      DocTypeNo = GetDocType(pXDoc.Locators.ItemByName("ClassifyWord").Alternatives(0).Text)

      If DocTypeNo <> "" Then

         Project.ScriptVariables.ItemByName("ClassifyValue").Value = DocTypeNo

      End If

   End If



End Sub


Public Function GetDocType(ByVal Value As String) As String


   If Len(Value) > 0 Then

      Dim RegEx As New RegExp, Matches As MatchCollection 

      RegEx.Pattern = "KAM\d{5}" 'Här kan du ändra till vad du vill ha

      Set Matches = RegEx.Execute(Value) 

      If Matches.Count > 0 Then

        GetDocType = Matches.Item(0)


         GetDocType = ""

      End If

   End If 


End Function


Private Sub Document_BeforeClassifyXDoc(ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument, ByRef bSkip As Boolean)


On Error GoTo Reclassify

If Project.ScriptVariables.ItemByName("ClassifyValue").Value <> "" Then


   Exit Sub

End If



pXDoc.Reclassify("Blankett")'Här kan du ändra till vad du vill ha



End Sub

Formatting a Field


If you want to format a field in script, you can use the following code:




You can user formatters directly as objects:



And you can format cells of a table in the same way:


SQL Database lookup

för att tex. Söka på kund och få tillbaka ett kundnummer från en SQL databas.

Funktionen förutsätter I detta fallet att det finns en definierad database i “Project Settings” som heter “KunderDB”.
(se exempel nedan)

I denna databas finns column namnen  ”KundNamn” och ”KundID”.

RKod och sKund är de variabler som används för att skicka resultatet till fält i KTM. I detta fallet förutsätter jag att jag bara får en träff. Om jag får flera så är lookupen ogiltig.

Databas i SQL servern

Databas koppling i Kofax KTM

nedan sida finns all kod som behövs för denna funktion

’=================================   Start  ==============================================

Private Function DBLookup(ByVal RKod As String, ByRef Kund As String) As Boolean

Dim db As CscDatabase
Dim dtb As CscSQLDataTable
Dim qry As CscSQLQuery
Dim rs As CscSQLRecordset
Dim rw As CscSQLRow
Dim cl As CscSQLCell

Set db = Project.Databases.ItemByName("KunderDB")
Set dtb = db.SQLTable
Set qry = dtb.CreateQuery()

qry.AddWhereField(dtb.FieldByName("KundNamn"), CscEqual, RKod)

Set rs = qry.ExecuteQuery

If rs.RecordCount = 0 Then
   DBLookup = False
   If rs.RecordCount > 1 Then
      DBLookup = False
   End If
  Set rw = rs.RowByIndex(0)
   RKod = rw.CellByName("KundNamn").Value
   Kund = rw.CellByName("KundID").Value
DBLookup = True
End If
End Function

’=================================   END   ===================================================

Nedan är koden för att anropa funktionen

Anropa denna i tex. After Field Confirmed I fältet där du matade in kundnamn så slår den upp och fyller I KundID. Eller om du fylla i efter dokumentet blivit validerat, kan vara bra ifall ditt KundNamn fält alltid är ”grönt”

Så lägg detta i Dokument Validated

’=========================   START  =================================

Dim sRKod As String
         Dim sKund As String
         sRKod = pField.Text

         If DBLookup(sRKod, sKund) = True Then
            pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("KundNamn").Text = sKund
            pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("KundID").Text = sRKod

            pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("KundNamn").Text = ""
            pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("KundID").Text = ""
         End If

‘============================   END   =================================

Autofill a Combobox in script from a database

Initialize the DB is supposed to be called once per batch. Not every document, this is time consuming and make unnecessary calls
Here´s how you can do it
- Execute your call only once per batch in batch open
- Store the combobox items in a collection
- On the BeforeComboboxDropDown, call a custom function that populates the combobox with the items from the collection.
This function require a defined database in  “Project Settings”

Add below code in the Project script

Private ComboBoxItemsArray As Object

' Project Script


Private Sub Batch_Open(ByVal pXRootFolder As CASCADELib.CscXFolder)

Dim ColumnName, DBname As String

ColumnName = "KundNamn" 'Column name in database

DBname = "DocTypes" 'Database name in KTM Project Builder


Set ComboBoxItemsArray = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")


 Dim SQLDataTable As CscSQLDataTable, SQLQuery As CscSQLQuery

 Dim r As Long, Recordset As CscSQLRecordset

 Set SQLDataTable = Project.Databases.ItemByName(DBname).SQLTable

 Set SQLQuery = SQLDataTable.CreateQuery()


 'SQLQuery.AddWhereField(SQLDataTable.FieldByName("ColumnName"), CscEqual, "123")

 Set Recordset = SQLQuery.ExecuteQuery()


For r = 0 To Recordset.RecordCount-1

 With Recordset.RowByIndex(r).Cells

 'Add result in Array


 End With



End Sub



Public Function GetComboboxItemsArray(separator As String) As String

   Dim i As Long

   Dim cbxItems As String

   cbxItems = ""

   For i = 0 To ComboBoxItemsArray.Count -1

      cbxItems += ComboBoxItemsArray(i) & separator


   ' omit the last separator char

   GetComboboxItemsArray = Left(cbxItems, Len(cbxItems) - 1)

End Function



Then add below code in a class script e.g BeforeComboboxDropdown to initialize before you go into the combobox

Private Sub ValidationForm_BeforeComboBoxDropDown(ByVal ComboboxName As String, ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument, ByRef ComboBoxItems As String)


   Select Case ComboboxName

      Case "DocTypes" 'name of the combobox

   'Loop all results from the Array and add to combobox

   ComboBoxItems = GetComboboxItemsArray(";") 'in the script test you get an error, don´t worry it will work in production.

   End Select


End Sub

Black out by default when open a document

Function to black out part of document when opened in validation

Just call this function in document loaded with MaskDocArea(pXDoc)

Private Function MaskDocArea(ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument)

If Project.ScriptExecutionInstance = 1 Then

Dim oMaskingZone As CscScriptMaskedArea

Dim iNumberOfMaskingZones As Integer

Dim i As Integer

'first remove mask

For iNumberOfMaskingZones = ValidationForm.MaskedAreas.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1


Next iNumberOfMaskingZones

' apply mask

For i = 0 To pXDoc.Pages.Count -1

Set oMaskingZone = ValidationForm.MaskedAreas.Create()

oMaskingZone.Left = 200

oMaskingZone.Top = 200

oMaskingZone.Height = pXDoc.CDoc.Pages.ItemByIndex(i).Height - 400

oMaskingZone.Width = pXDoc.CDoc.Pages.ItemByIndex(i).Width - 400

oMaskingZone.PageIndex = i


End If

ValidationForm.Labels.ItemByName("lblMask").Text = "You are not allowed to validate this document" ValidationForm.Labels.ItemByName("lblMask").Visible = True ValidationForm.Labels.ItemByName("lblMask").SetForeColor(255,0,0) 'Set red text End Function

Split string

Dim MyString

MyString = "123;asd;AAAA;BBB;CCC" 'Detta är din sträng

Dim B

B = Split(MyString,";")(1) 'Ta värde nr 2 = asd

Dim C

C = Split(MyString,";")(2) 'ta värde nr 3 = AAAA

Document Separation in KTM

  1. Open Project Settings and set document separation mode to "Standard Document Separation."
  2. Add a class to your project and name it "DocSep." This will be used to define the document separation locator
  3. Add a locator method that you want to use in order to determine the document separation.
  4. Add a field with the same name
  5. Select the Project class and open the script editor.
  6. Add below code in Document_SeparateCurrentPage
  7. change xxxxxx what you find in the locator

Private Sub Document_SeparateCurrentPage(ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument, ByVal PageNr As Long, ByRef bSplitPage As Boolean, ByRef RemainingPages As Long)

Dim oSinglePageDoc As CscXDocument
Set oSinglePageDoc = New CscXDocument
'Create a temporary document with a single page
oSinglePageDoc.CopyPages(pXDoc, PageNr, 1)
'Read from locator
Project.ClassByName("DocSep").Extract oSinglePageDoc
'If the text is found then split the document

If oSinglePageDoc.Fields.ItemByName("DocSep").Text = "xxxxxxx" Then
bSplitPage = True
bSplitPage = False
End If

End Sub

Modulus 10 function with personnummer

Private Function Mod10Pno(ByVal number As String)

Dim ReturnLength, Separator, ErrorReturnMess

'''''''' This function return personnummer if checksum is correct
'''''''' number: personnummer (send in 10 or 12 digits with or without "-"
'''''''' Example how to call this function, Mod10Pno("19700102-1234")

ReturnLength = "12" 'If you would like to return 10 digits or 12 digits (Value:10 or 12)
Separator = "" 'use "-" if you want personnummer like "xxxxxxxx-yyy"
ErrorReturnMess = "Personnummer inte korrekt" 'value to return if personnummer is wrong or checksum is not correct

On Error GoTo ScriptError

Dim i, TotalOdd, TotalEven, Total As Integer
Dim TotaloddString, TotalEvenString, TotalString, Value, Century As String

Value = Trim(number)
Value=Replace(Value," ","")

'Mod10 only handles 10 digits, remove century from personnummer
If Len(Value) = 12 Then
'check if century is 19 or 20
If Left(Value,2) = "19" Or Left(Value,2) = "20" Then
Century = Left(Value,2)
Value = Mid(Value, 3,10)
'try correct century
If Mid(Value,3,2) >= Format(Now,"yy") Then
Value = Mid(Value, 3,10)
Century = "19"
Century = "20"
End If

End If
'try add century
If Mid(Value,3,2) >= Format(Now,"yy") Then
Value = Mid(Value, 3,10)
Century = "19"
Century = "20"
End If
End If

If IsNumeric(Value) Then
Total = 0
'get odd numbers starting with the second to last digit (ignoring the check digit)
For i = Len(Value)-1 To 1 Step -2
TotalOdd = CInt(Mid(Value, i, 1) * 2)
TotaloddString = TotaloddString & CStr(TotalOdd)
Next i

i = 0
TotalOdd = 0

For i = 1 To Len(TotaloddString)
TotalOdd = TotalOdd + CInt(Mid(TotaloddString, i, 1))
Next i

'get even numbers starting with the third to last digit (ignoring the check digit)
i = 0

For i = Len(Value)-2 To 1 Step -2
TotalEvenString = TotalEvenString & (Mid(Value, i, 1))
Next i

For i = 1 To Len(TotalEvenString)
TotalEven = TotalEven + CInt(Mid(TotalEvenString, i, 1))
Next i

Total = TotalOdd + TotalEven
TotalString =CStr(Total)

If Right(Value, 1) = Right(CStr(Total),1) Then
'Check is OK
If ReturnLength = "10" Then
Mod10Pno = Left(Value,6) + Separator + Mid(Value,7,10)
Mod10Pno = Century + Left(Value,6) + Separator + Mid(Value,7,10)
End If
Mod10Pno = ErrorReturnMess 'False return NULL
End If
'False, not only digits, Return NULL
Mod10Pno = ErrorReturnMess
End If

Exit Function

'False Error, return NULL
Mod10Pno = ErrorReturnMess

Resume ScriptExit

End Function

Rest call function

Call the function like this RestCall("197012019999", pXdoc)

    Public Function RestCall(ByVal Pno As String, ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument)

    Dim uri, response As String

    Dim http As Object
    Set http = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")

    uri = "http://localhost:8080/?PIN=" + Pno

    http.Open("GET", uri, False)
    ' http.setRequestHeader "Authorization", "BASIC AUTH_STRING"


    response = http.responseText
    Set http = Nothing

    'Handle the respone here

    End Function

    Save document image with error message from validation

    'First place a button and a text field on the validation form, then place the code under ValidationForm_ButtonClicked

    Private Sub ValidationForm_ButtonClicked(ByVal ButtonName As String, ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument)
    Select Case ButtonName

    Case "Button0"
    'Saves the image + txt file into CaptureSV\ReportedFiles
    Dim Image As CscImage
    Dim LastBackSlash, LastBackSlash2, LastBackSlash3, PageIndex As Integer
    Dim ImagePath,ImagePath2, ImagePath3 As String
    Dim FileSys, NewFolder, NewFolderPath
    Dim MyFileName, ErrorMess As String

    PageIndex = ValidationForm.CurrentPageIndex

    Set Image = pXDoc.CDoc.Pages(PageIndex).GetImage
    Set FileSys=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    ErrorMess = pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("BadOCRmess").Text
    MyFileName = Format(Now(), "yyyyMMddhhmmss")
    LastBackSlash = InStrRev(Image.FileName,"\")
    ImagePath2 = Left(Image.FileName,LastBackSlash -1)
    LastBackSlash2 = InStrRev(ImagePath2,"\")
    ImagePath3 = Left(Image.FileName,LastBackSlash2 -1)
    LastBackSlash3 = InStrRev(ImagePath3,"\")
    ImagePath = Left(ImagePath3,LastBackSlash3)
    NewFolderPath = ImagePath & "ReportedFiles"

    If Not FileSys.FolderExists(NewFolderPath) Then
    Set NewFolder = FileSys.CreateFolder(NewFolderPath)
    End If

    'Save file to disk
    Image.Save(NewFolderPath & "\" & MyFileName & ".tif")

    'Write errormessage to file
    Open NewFolderPath & "\" & MyFileName & ".txt" For Output As #1
    Print #1, Environ("USERNAME") & "|" & ErrorMess
    Close #1

    'ValidationForm.Buttons.ItemByName("BtnSaveError").Enabled = False
    ' MsgBox("Image saved for analyze") 'If using web validation do not use message popup

    End Select
    End Sub

    JSON get value function

    The following code is very simple and reads values out of a JSON without concerning itself with the structure.

      Private Function JSON_GetValue(JSON As String, Key As String, Optional Index As Long = 0)

      'Add a reference to Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5 in the Edit\References... Menu
      'This returns a value from a JSON given the key.for the third element in an array set index=2
      Dim Regex As New RegExp, Matches As MatchCollection
      Regex.IgnoreCase = True
      Regex.Global = True
      Regex.Pattern = """" & Key & """\s*:\s*""(.*?)"""
      Set Matches = Regex.Execute(JSON)
      If Matches.Count>0 Then JSON_GetValue Matches.Item(Index).SubMatches(0)

      End Function

      Call a formatter through script

      If you want to format a field in script, you can use the following code:



      You can user formatters directly as objects:



      Table cells can be formatted the same way:


      Kofax Capture batch values

      The following batch properties are accessible from script (XRootFolder.XValues.ItemByName(XValue key)
      Get value from script locator

      Batch Property                   XValue key
      Batch Name                        AC_BATCH_NAME
      Batch Class Name                AC_BATCH_CLASS_NAME
      Priority                                AC_BATCH_PRIORITY
      ImageDirectory                    AC_IMAGE_DIRECTORY
      ExternalBatchID                   AC_EXTERNAL_BATCHID
      BatchGUID                          AC_BATCH_GUID
      BatchCreationDateTime        AC_BATCH_CREATIONDATETIME
      CreationSiteName                AC_BATCH_CREATIONSITENAME
      CreationUserID                    AC_BATCH_CREATIONUSERID
      OperatorUserID                   AC_BATCH_OPERATORUSERID (userID of last batch history entry)
      UserID                                AC_BATCH_USERID
      UserName                           AC_BATCH_USERNAME
      WindowsUserName              AC_BATCH_WINDOWSUSERNAME

      Add all info in a script locator for easy access
      - pXDoc.Locators.ItemByName("MyScriptLocator").Alternatives(0).SubFields.ItemByName("AC_BatchDirectory").Text
      - pXDoc.Locators.ItemByName("MyScriptLocator").Alternatives(0).SubFields(0).Text

        Private Sub MyScriptLocator_LocateAlternatives(ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument, ByVal pLocator As CASCADELib.CscXDocField)

        pLocator.Alternatives(0).Confidence = 1

        pLocator.Alternatives(0).SubFields.Create("AC_BatchDirectory") 'Documentation uses the variable name: AC_BATCH_DIRECTORY and the software uses the name: AC_IMAGE_DIRECTORY
        pLocator.Alternatives(0).SubFields.Create("AC_BatchExtarnalBatchID") 'Documentation uses the variable name: AC_BATCH_EXTERNAL_BATCHID and the software uses the name: AC_EXTERNAL_BATCHID

        Dim pXRootFolder As CscXFolder
        Set pXRootFolder = GetRootFolder(pXDoc.ParentFolder)

        BatchInfo(pXRootFolder, "AC_BATCH_NAME", pLocator, "AC_BatchName")
        BatchInfo(pXRootFolder, "AC_BATCH_CLASS_NAME", pLocator, "AC_BatchClassName")
        BatchInfo(pXRootFolder, "AC_BATCH_PRIORITY", pLocator, "AC_BatchPriority")
        BatchInfo(pXRootFolder, "AC_IMAGE_DIRECTORY", pLocator, "AC_BatchDirectory")
        BatchInfo(pXRootFolder, "AC_EXTERNAL_BATCHID", pLocator, "AC_BatchExtarnalBatchID")
        BatchInfo(pXRootFolder, "AC_BATCH_GUID", pLocator, "AC_BatchGUID")
        BatchInfo(pXRootFolder, "AC_BATCH_CREATIONDATETIME", pLocator, "AC_BatchCreationDateTime")
        BatchInfo(pXRootFolder, "AC_BATCH_CREATIONSITENAME", pLocator, "AC_BatchCreationSiteName")
        BatchInfo(pXRootFolder, "AC_BATCH_CREATIONUSERID", pLocator, "AC_BatchCreationUserID")
        BatchInfo(pXRootFolder, "AC_BATCH_OPERATORUSERID", pLocator, "AC_BatchOperationUserID")
        BatchInfo(pXRootFolder, "AC_BATCH_USERID", pLocator, "AC_BatchUserID")
        BatchInfo(pXRootFolder, "AC_BATCH_USERNAME", pLocator, "AC_BatchUserName")
        BatchInfo(pXRootFolder, "AC_BATCH_WINDOWSUSERNAME", pLocator, "AC_BatchWindowsUserName")
        End Sub

        Private Function BatchInfo(ByVal RootFolder As CscXFolder, ByVal sBatchInfo As String, ByVal Locator As CscXDocField, ByVal sSubFieldName As String) As CscXDocSubField
        Set BatchInfo = Locator.Alternatives(0).SubFields.ItemByName(sSubFieldName)
        If RootFolder.XValues.ItemExists(sBatchInfo) = True Then
        BatchInfo.Text = RootFolder.XValues.ItemByName(sBatchInfo).Value
        BatchInfo.ExtractionConfident = True
        BatchInfo.Confidence = 1
        End If
        End Function

        Public Function GetRootFolder(pXFolder As CASCADELib.CscXFolder) As CASCADELib.CscXFolder
        If pXFolder.IsRootFolder Then
        Set GetRootFolder = pXFolder
        Set GetRootFolder = GetRootFolder(pXFolder.ParentFolder)
        End If
        End Function

        Sum columns in table

        Below code summarize column 5 in the table


        Add coordinates to a table cell

        The only way to add coordinates to a table cell is to append a Word.

          Dim Word As CscXDocWord 

          Set Word = New CscXDocWord 

          Word.PageIndex = pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("POnr").PageIndex

          Word.Left = pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("POnr").Left

          Word.Width = pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("POnr").Width

          Word.Top = pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("POnr").Top

          Word.Height = pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("POnr").Height

          Word.Text = pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("POnr").Text



          Include/exclude result from locator with help of dictionary

          You need one locator, one script locator and one dictionary
          Goal is to check the locator result against a dictionary

          Private Sub OrgNrSL_LocateAlternatives(ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument, ByVal pLocator As CASCADELib.CscXDocField)
          Dim Alt As String 'Alt är texten i alternativet
          Dim i As Integer 'i är antalet alternativ

          If pXDoc.Locators.ItemByName("OrgNr").Alternatives.Count > 0 Then
          For i = 0 To pXDoc.Locators.ItemByName("OrgNr").Alternatives.Count -1
          Alt = pXDoc.Locators.ItemByName("OrgNr").Alternatives(i).Text
          If ExistOrgNr(Alt) = True Then 'if True EXKLUDE values from Dictionary, False INKLUDES values from Dictionary
          ' Gör ingenting
          Dim oAlt As CscXDocFieldAlternative
          Set oAlt = pLocator.Alternatives.Create()
          oAlt.Text = pXDoc.Locators.ItemByName("OrgNr").Alternatives(i).Text
          oAlt.Confidence = pXDoc.Locators.ItemByName("OrgNr").Alternatives(i).Confidence
          oAlt.Left = pXDoc.Locators.ItemByName("OrgNr").Alternatives(i).Left
          oAlt.Top = pXDoc.Locators.ItemByName("OrgNr").Alternatives(i).Top
          oAlt.Width = pXDoc.Locators.ItemByName("OrgNr").Alternatives(i).Width
          oAlt.Height = pXDoc.Locators.ItemByName("OrgNr").Alternatives(i).Height
          oAlt.PageIndex = pXDoc.Locators.ItemByName("OrgNr").Alternatives(i).PageIndex
          End If
          Next i
          End If

          End Sub

          Function ExistOrgNr(Alt) As Boolean

          Dim DictResItems As CscDictionaryResItems
          Dim Dict As CscDictionary
          Dim strData As String
          Dim strReplaceVal As String
          Dim QueryText As String


          Set Dict = Project.Dictionaries.ItemByName("OrgNrExclude")
          Set DictResItems=Dict.Search(QueryText,CscEvalMatchQuery,5) ' Fuzzy search

          'Set DictResItems=Dict.SearchExpanded(QueryText,CscEvalMatchQuery,5,10,1) 'Exact search

          If DictResItems.Count>0 Then
          'strData innehåller resultatet
          'strReplaceVal innehåller det eventuella "replacement value" i dictionary
          ExistOrgNr=True 'Match hittades
          'Ingen match hittades
          End If

          Replace characters using ASCI

          Below is to remove line feed and carriage return

            Dim FormatedText = Replace("string to be formated", Chr(10), "") 'Line Feed

            Dim FormatedText = Replace("string to be formated", Chr(13), "") 'Carriage Return

            Remove Unwanted Characters

            Function RemoveUnwantedChar(strIn As String)
             Dim i As Integer
             Dim Char, Res, ReturnVal As String
             Dim rgx As New RegExp
             rgx.Pattern = "[A-Za-z\s]"

             For i = 1 To Len(strIn)
             Char = Mid(strIn,i,1)
             Res = rgx.Replace(Char, "")
             ReturnVal = ReturnVal + Res
             Next i

             RemoveUnwantedChar = ReturnVal
            End Function

            Check if ISIN code is valid

              Function isValidISIN(ISIN)
              Dim i, myInt As Integer
              Dim myChar, ISINValue As String

              For i = 1 To 12
              myChar = UCase(Mid(ISIN, i, 1)) 'Get the character in Upper Case
              If IsNumeric(myChar) Then
              myInt = CInt(myChar)
              myInt = Asc(myChar) - 55 'If it's an alpha, convert to numeric
              End If
              ISINValue = ISINValue & myInt 'Rebuild a string with converted alphas

              Dim TotalOdd, TotalEven, Total As Integer
              Dim TotaloddString, TotalEvenString, TotalString As String

              If IsNumeric(ISINValue) Then
              Total = 0
              'get odd numbers starting with the second to last digit (ignoring the check digit)
              For i = Len(ISINValue)-1 To 1 Step -2
              TotalOdd = CInt(Mid(ISINValue, i, 1) * 2)
              TotaloddString = TotaloddString & CStr(TotalOdd)
              Next i

              TotalOdd = 0

              For i = 1 To Len(TotaloddString)
              TotalOdd = TotalOdd + CInt(Mid(TotaloddString, i, 1))
              Next i

              'get even numbers starting with the third to last digit (ignoring the check digit)

              For i = Len(ISINValue)-2 To 1 Step -2
              TotalEvenString = TotalEvenString & (Mid(ISINValue, i, 1))
              Next i

              For i = 1 To Len(TotalEvenString)
              TotalEven = TotalEven + CInt(Mid(TotalEvenString, i, 1))
              Next i

              Total = TotalOdd + TotalEven
              TotalString =CStr(Total)


              If Right(ISINValue, 1) = Right(CStr(Total),1) Then
              isValidISIN = True
              isValidISIN = False
              End If
              isValidISIN = False
              End If

              End Function

              Create Results for a Script Locator


              pLocator.Alternatives(<N>).Text = <text>
              pLocator.Alternatives(<N>).Confidence = <Confidence Value>
              pLocator.Alternatives(<N>).Top = <Top Coordinate>
              pLocator.Alternatives(<N>).Left = <Left Coordinate>
              pLocator.Alternatives(<N>).Height = <Height>
              pLocator.Alternatives(<N>).Width = <Width>

              Route and create new child batch to Validation2 or other

              Add below code to project script, below is triggered in validation. 

                Private Sub Batch_Close(ByVal pXRootFolder As CASCADELib.CscXFolder, ByVal CloseMode As CASCADELib.CscBatchCloseMode)

                   If CloseMode = CscBatchCloseFinal And Project.ScriptExecutionMode=CscScriptModeValidation Then
                   End If

                End Sub

                Private Function RouteDoc2(ByRef pXRootFolder As CASCADELib.CscXFolder)

                Dim i As Integer
                Dim xDocInfo As CscXDocLib.CscXDocInfo

                For i = 0 To pXRootFolder.GetTotalDocumentCount - 1

                Set xDocInfo = pXRootFolder.GetDocInfoByGlobalIndex(i)

                If xDocInfo.XDocument.Fields.ItemByName("NeedCheck").Text = "Efterkontroll" Then
                'First check if batch exists
                If pXRootFolder.XValues.ItemExists("KTM_DOCUMENTROUTING_BATCHNAME_" & "NG") = False Then
                pXRootFolder.XValues.Set("KTM_DOCUMENTROUTING_BATCHNAME_" & "NG", pXRootFolder.XValues("AC_BATCH_NAME") & "_Efterkontroll")
                End If
                xDocInfo.XDocument.Fields.ItemByName("NeedCheck").Valid = False
                xDocInfo.XValues.Set("KTM_DOCUMENTROUTING", "NG")
                'First check if batch exists
                If pXRootFolder.XValues.ItemExists("KTM_DOCUMENTROUTING_BATCHNAME_" & "OK") = False Then
                pXRootFolder.XValues.Set("KTM_DOCUMENTROUTING_BATCHNAME_" & "OK", pXRootFolder.XValues("AC_BATCH_NAME") & "_Godkänd")

                End If
                xDocInfo.XValues.Set("KTM_DOCUMENTROUTING", "OK")
                End If

                pXRootFolder.XValues.Set("KTM_DOCUMENTROUTING_QUEUE_OK", "KC.Export")
                pXRootFolder.XValues.Set("KTM_DOCUMENTROUTING_QUEUE_NG", "KTM.Validation2")


                End Function

                Change batch name in validation

                Add a button in validation form and add below script in the validationForm_ButtonClicked event

                Case "Button0"

                'Rename batch with button click

                Dim pXRootFolder As CASCADELib.CscXFolder
                Set pXRootFolder = pXDoc.ParentFolder

                Dim xDocInfo As CscXDocLib.CscXDocInfo
                Set xDocInfo = pXRootFolder.GetDocInfoByGlobalIndex(0)
                Dim BatchNameField As String
                BatchNameField = pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("RenameBatch").Text

                pXRootFolder.XValues.Set("KTM_DOCUMENTROUTING_BATCHNAME_" & BatchNameField, BatchNameField)
                xDocInfo.XValues.Set("KTM_DOCUMENTROUTING", BatchNameField)

                Add a function for the renaming 
                Private Function SetBatchNameSuspend(ByRef pXRootFolder As CASCADELib.CscXFolder)

                Dim BatchName As String
                Dim xDocInfo As CscXDocLib.CscXDocInfo

                Dim i As Integer

                For i = 0 To pXRootFolder.GetTotalDocumentCount - 1

                Set xDocInfo = pXRootFolder.GetDocInfoByGlobalIndex(i)
                BatchName = xDocInfo.XDocument.Fields.ItemByName("RenameBatch").Text

                pXRootFolder.XValues.Set("KTM_DOCUMENTROUTING_BATCHNAME_" & "allokay", BatchName & "_" & Format(Now,"yyyy-MM-dd_HH:mm:ss")) 
                xDocInfo.XValues.Set("KTM_DOCUMENTROUTING", "allokay")


                End Function

                Add below code in the Batch_Close event

                Private Sub Batch_Close(ByVal pXRootFolder As CASCADELib.CscXFolder, ByVal CloseMode As CASCADELib.CscBatchCloseMode)

                If CloseMode = CscBatchCloseSuspend Then

                      Dim i As Long

                      For i = 0 To pXRootFolder.GetTotalDocumentCount - 1

                        Dim oXDocInfo As CASCADELib.CscXDocInfo

                        Set oXDocInfo = pXRootFolder.GetDocInfoByGlobalIndex(i)

                            oXDocInfo.XValues.Set("KTM_DOCUMENTROUTING", "allokay")



                      pXRootFolder.XValues.Set("KTM_DOCUMENTROUTING_QUEUE_allokay", "KTM.Validation")

                End If

                End Sub

                Print page from validation form

                NOTE: only works for rich client
                This will open your default image viewer with the selected image, from there you can print the page.

                Private Sub ValidationForm_ButtonClicked(ByVal ButtonName As String, ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument)
                 Select Case ButtonName
                  Case "ButtonPrint"

                  Dim Image As CscImage
                  Dim PageIndex As Integer
                  PageIndex = ValidationForm.CurrentPageIndex
                  Set Image = pXDoc.CDoc.Pages(PageIndex).GetImage

                  Shell "explorer.exe " & Image.FileName, vbNormalFocus

                 End Select
                End Sub